Board Member Responsibilities

Updated January 2024



  1. Conduct monthly member meetings.
  2. Organize and conduct board meetings 2-4 times a year or as necessary to discuss education, programs, workshops, and other guild business.
  3. Reserve a room for monthly member meetings.
  4. Create a monthly newsletter and send to the Secretary no later than seven (7) days before the member meeting.
  5. Maintain the library of books, magazines, DVDs, etc., and periodically bring to meetings.
  6. Be a signer on the Guild bank accounts along with the Treasurer.
  7. Maintain a personal membership in TKGA to keep our 501(c)(3) status.
  8. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.


  1. Assist the President and serve in the absence of that officer.
  2. Maintain a personal membership in TKGA to keep our 501(c)(3) status.
  3. Be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
  4. Responsible for ensuring there are presenters, programs, workshops, etc., at monthly member meetings. Work with Guild members or committees that are coordinating educational opportunities.


  1. Keep minutes of Board of Director meetings and monthly membership meetings.
  2. Send meeting minutes to current members within seven (7) days after the meeting.
  3. Ensure member Nametags are up to date and bring to monthly member meetings.
  4. Send out a monthly newsletter at least seven (7) days before monthly member meetings.
  5. Send out miscellaneous communications and announcements as needed.


  1. Keep a record of debits and credits throughout the year.
  2. Create annual financial statements.
  3. Present Treasurer’s report at monthly member meetings, stating past month revenues & expenses, and current bank & cash balances.
  4. Balance monthly bank statements and save electronic copies in FRKG online file storage.
  5. Write checks and make debit card payments.
  6. Work with the Board of Directors on an appropriate budget for presenters, programs, workshops, etc.
  7. Renew the Guild membership and pay dues to The Knitting Guild Association (TKGA) by May 1st.
  8. Pay annual liability insurance premium.
  9. File annual federal tax reports, IRS Form 990 & Schedule A, by May 15th.
  10. File Colorado Secretary of State Charitable Organization annual renewal and pay the fee by May 15th.
  11. Maintain official member list in FRKG online file storage with name, email, phone, city, and payment status. Bring sign-in sheet, excluding payment status, to monthly member meetings.


  1. Keep the Guild electronic equipment (computer, projector, camera, speakers, etc.).
  2. Maintain FRKG online file storage structure.
  3. Create, maintain, and update FRKG website.
  4. Create and maintain social media presence (FaceBook, Instagram, etc.).
  5. Advertise/announce monthly member meetings on social media.